Grrrr Church
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: Grrrr Church
Grrr, I want you to read this thourouly, before you post.^^
Church 'kids'
~Jessica-Calm, sweet, older than me.BFF
~Madison-b----y, prep, old childhood BFF
~Michah-Clueless Mad minion.(Cousin)
~Megan-Insane BFF
~Joanna-Cute ray of sunshine, Mad's lil sis.
~Jesse-Preacher's 'perfect' son.
So I was finished practicing for the christmas play, and I go outside.
Let me set the scence.
Bright moon makes all the frost and ice shine perfectly, making the sand in the VB court shimmer. You can hear stray cat meows, and purrs. The fallen leaves crunch beneath your boots.
So, I was there, on the extra lot outside, and I took my coat of(It was 20degrees F) and of course I was cold, but I do my best thinking in the cold.
I sat on my jacket, and closed my eyes, picturing my future Manga.
So I'm deep in concentration, feeling great, when Ice hear crunching. No one ever follows me.
I open an eye and feel frost/ice hit my shoulders and neck, and run down my white thin shirt, making it soaked.
I yelp, and who do I see? b---- and minion.
They snort, and say "Hey, Hippie, get up."
Madison snorts again, and tosses more ice, hitting my head "seen your friends lately"
i say "ya, at school.."
"No! we mean your demon animal friends."Mad says.
I turn red in the face, i had left my ideas and all our work on a table in the church.
Michah snorts, and pulls it out of her bag "Want this?"
I yell "NO! Give it!"
She tosses it into a puddle, cracking the ice, soaking it through.
I start getting pissed, and I start crying.
Madison laughs, and turns, hi-fiving Michah.
They run away, leaving me sobbing.
Luckily I had typed most it on my laptop, or I would've been through
But still! Thos little brats!
I really need a hug.:*( -
I'm crying right now, they did'nt get in trouble one bit...all my original work, I have to recopy it-No printer. -
*Hugs Heph* I'm so sorry! *Death hugs*
Tanks guys....I'm just pissed off.
Heph just kick their f---ing b---- asses damn.
I can't ellis, and Tanks guys.
No you fuking can so do it dammit just smash them in their fuking noses already.
Noo Ellis, i love them both...*sigh*
Well just slap them around and let them know not to f--- with you so you have to come on here about it.
-_- thanks...
Well don't let them do that s---, k?
f--- OFF TIMELIMIT!!!!!!!!11 -
Lol, okayz.
GOOD now do something about it!
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