Welcome to my garden
Thread Topic: Welcome to my garden
My back and body hurts
It’s just cold asf for no reason here
Definitely will get to 1000 soon
Akamaru AdvancedWooo oo
Akamaru AdvancedI’ll help you reach 1000 today
Akamaru AdvancedHow’s your morning so far?
Boring lol
Akamaru AdvancedWhat do you do on a normal morning day?
I wake up get ready for work and head out with a energy drink, yes even if I got more than plenty of sleep -
I’m usually just up today I work at 2
Idk if I should nap before work or what to do -
Akamaru AdvancedNaps are good and can help you move time faster
I take my naps with a side of no alarms aahahahah -
I can never fall asleep when I want or need too
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