Welcome to my garden
Thread Topic: Welcome to my garden
nooooooooooooooo i love you even way way way way way way way way way wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more
Come up with another nickname if you would like but I donโt mind!
oi grandpa hows your day been
Itโs been eh.
you are all in deep crap you guys messed up are flirting๐
Lol thatโs kinda hard. Why exactly did he called you that anyway? xD
I have no clue ๐๐
Well Iโll try to think of something but you can call me rosio or just ro
Which one do you like better ? -
Maybe Ro?
Okay Ro!
Idk what I want to be called most people call me by my username xD -
Didnโt you say that being called Danny bothered you in the past?
things changed
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