Welcome to my garden
Thread Topic: Welcome to my garden
No one cares…
I can’t do this..
What did I do to deserve this
I can’t do this s---
I’m so mad
f---ing disgusting ass people
Hey I may not know you enough and that’s ok for me. Though I find your negative thoughts about yourself kind of alarming. I understand that you may be going through something that I’ve never felt before or have but you have to believe it gets better. Sometimes you have to tell yourself positive thoughts. I can’t help you as much as the next person and that’s why you can only be the one to say it’s going to be alright. At the end of each day we are all alone and going through something but we all keep moving bc something in us tells us to. Please understand that you have to find something in you to motivate yourself and if it keeps happening, then break that wall and eventually you’ll rise. I believe in you that believes in yourself. Also, change what makes life hard on you and know that you may see change (results) in the near future but it starts today. I can show you how much I care about you but it will go down the drain if you choose to think no one cares and so that’s why you yourself can make that call.
If that message made you feel like I’m attacking you, we’ll I’m not. I’m hoping to make you see your life is as important as the next. -
Oh so you know, this is your space and you have the right to put your thoughts here freely.
Also, just so you know people on here see you, listen to you , and want to support the hell out of you. As well as to reach out to you but may have trouble having the right words to help you.
Please keep posting whatever is on your mind and don’t let me stop you because gtq is for anyone -
I am so sorry I didn’t see either of your posts until now
I feel bad now I didn’t see the post
No one can really help me but I don’t want to alarm anyone so maybe I should try and stop posting the stuff I do..
I hope one day I’ll find some motivation…
idk what to do… the worst of the thoughts I don’t post
The ones I do post are bad but I can’t post anywhere else
It’s extremely hard for me to talk to people on here because almost everyone is younger then I am and I don’t want to burden anyone with my issues especially those who may not have any issues like these
i can’t reach out because i already know no one can help me
everyone I did just said I was stupid..
I don’t know what what to do
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