I gotz nooo school today!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: I gotz nooo school today!!!
what three dudes i cant see the piks damn it i wanna see now this suxs and HEY ELLIS :(
I found emo fred!!
Good, so what have you been up to?
lolz emo fred!!!
damn it my head and shoulder and neck hurt so damn bad ty-ty wasnt nice and i was stupid to get drunk after and the no sleep isnt helping
haha nice emo fred lol
I'm home alone xDD
Awwww I just read that you were sick *takes step back* jkjk *Hugs again* How are you feeling now?
-hugs back- lolz I'm not rlly sick I just told my dad that so I wouldn't have to go to school today
yea i got beat for asking to stay home i wish i was home though i wish slim was here
Niccccccccccce, I a girl who doesn't mind skipping. I sooooooooo wish we lived in the same town and had gone to the same school we could play basketball and hangout and stuff!
brbz cats on the speaker
lolz back I would beat ur ass in b bal xD
Probably but not if we played horse lol.
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