Make random posts about what you listen to
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Make random posts about what you listen to
True Blue - Bright Eyes
Oh so what do you guys do when you hang out do they play different insturments then you so you have a band thing? -
O.o Uh,No I'm straight dude.
Dead In Hollywood-Murderdolls
Yah we all play like in a garage band sometimes,but like an actual band na,but that would be cool. -
sick it was a dare ellis made 4me XDDDD
The reflecting God-Marilyn Manson
@Death.XD Okay you freaked me out for a sec dude. -
XD ok to tell the truth I dared Death to ask you that and he just dared me to tell you the truth. I've never been in a band really just me and this girl back in the day we had a cool thing going on for a bit.
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss - Built to Spill -
Yah I thought it was a dare lmao,nice one dude XD,Cool what sucks is that we need like a good vocalist none of us can sing for sh1t.But we havent played musuc together in a while.
Sweet Dreams-MM -
Girls Not Grey-AFI
Bummer me and that girl both sang and both played guitar her base and me acoustic. Those were the good days.
Last Call - Elliott Smith -
That sucks,yah I'm starting to lose touch with my friends as well,like none of us talk to eachother anymore only like a "Hello" and sh1t like that.If I stop posting my computer f---ed up.
Shout At The Devil-Motley crue -
Go To Hell-Alice Cooper
Riot Coming - Elliott Smith
I f---ing hate that when a friend slowly fades away. I've had to do that and a couple have moved on me over the years on pretty recently and its also annoying cause I got my pot from him too. -
Be My Lover-Alice cooper
Yah same here,but then agian sh1t like that always happends with me.And that sucks,my frirends are pretty damn wild though.
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