A new music thread ig
Thread Topic: A new music thread ig
There’s no paradise, just whimsical woes
And charlatans -
Might make a new vent thread just so I can put that lyric in
Ok but Skinny Loser by Sub Urban
I’m obsessed with The Normal Album rn
Who is this random diva and why are they following me
It’s not any of my friends or anybody I have added anywhere -
I stalked their playlists and tell me why our music taste is so similar
which profile is the diva lmao
It’s the one above yours when you go into my followers list with the blue anime girl pfp thing
help why do they have good music taste-
Real like I’m flattered you’re following me but who are you-
I Lied About The Apple Thing is such a yummy song
Like the line “you think it makes you special but it makes you strange” AUGH
Also Laplace’s Angel like “the only ones in need of love are those who don’t receive enough so evil ones should get a little more” LIKEEEE
but Meteor Shower by Cavetown like yes
It’s such a good comfort song too
Will Wood is good when you’re just crashing out and in your angst weirdcore lonely era but Cavetown is what you listen to when you’re crying about something you shouldn’t be crying about
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