A new music thread ig
Thread Topic: A new music thread ig
I love The Exit omgggg
Me tooo it’s so relatable and yummy
the inspo for it too is wilddddd
help whats the inspo for it-
According to my friend, his partner wanted him to move into their apartment in Europe with them, so he did, only for him to get there and his partner told him that they loved someone else and left him alone in the apartment in a country he wasn't familiar with
Omg poor connie- that’s wild man holy shizzfizzles
Ikr it's so sad- and he still has to go to tours there bc tOurS
Damn that’s not sigma ;-;
Very not sigma
Fr fr
I’m My Own Grandpa is such a goofy song go listen to it if you haven’t already
The 1940s would’ve been a great time if not for sexism and racism and homophobia etc etc -
Naaaaaah the 1940s was a great time what are you talking aboutttttt (/jjjjjjj)
Noooo i would’ve loved to live in the oLd DaYs if not for the c h u r c h o m g w h y w a s t h e c h u r c h t h e r o o t o f m o s t p r o b l e ms
Like the FASHION UGH 1800s and 1940s-1950s fashion is so yummy -
But nOw people give you weird looks if you rock up with a top hat, vest, fancy neck thing and a cane smh
1500s-1700s churches were something else man they delayed our understanding of space by so much
Like they did NOT have to send Galileo to prison what the freak
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