Lucas is rambling about their newest music obsession-
Thread Topic: Lucas is rambling about their newest music obsession-
Hear me out I have no clue how it'd sound but Self Love from Across the Spiderverse mixed with either Heavy is the Crown or Wasteland from Arcane
honestly Annihilate might fit a bit better with Heavy is the Crown depending on which part of the song you used...
idk I'm playing around with the melodies in my head since they're my favorite songs from my favorite fandoms lol -
Sabrinas deluxe is out YAY
you can't tell me Blue Hair by TV Girl isn't about Jinx
Here me out: Sailor Song by Gigi Perez + Riptide by Vance Joy
I kinda love how Please Please Please has become the trauma/safeword song in the friend group somehow
Idk how to explain it, all I know is the second I see that song on one of my friends playlists, ik some CRAZY s--- happened -
New music by Sarah Kays, Marina, and Isaac Dunbar
Sabrina Carpenters deluxe is such a bop
Couldn't Make it Any Harder is my favorite song on it currently -
Nunemakers Parable by Everybodys Worried About Owen is one of my favorite songs to help out with writers block
new music by Emei, Benson Boone, Penelope Scott, Sabrina Sterling, and GIrl in Red -
Late to the Party by Isaac Dunbar is actually such a vibe of a song
I love his upbeat songs because I can add them to vent threads AND happy playlists and they don't feel out of place -
Today was the day I found out that Stargazing and Glimpse of Us are both in my vocal range?
Idk what's happening to my voice it's slowly getting able to hit the deeper notes in songs more and more often. Last year I was at Grover in PJO musical vocal range and this year I'm hitting all the dEEP notes in songs -
Also Benson Boone songs. I can sing those really well apparently, but I think most vocal ranges are able to do that
specifically What Was, I can sing that, and if I harmonize with a true alto that s--- sounds GOLDEN
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