I love Bellatrix.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: I love Bellatrix.
is it just me, or is kimble acting like a total dumbf---?
BELLATRIXDESU11 NewbieThank you to people who love me. :D
lol!go bellatrix!i love you..and don't forget i'll kill that weasley for you!(cause she killed you!)
actually you better not be killin no people dragin!
Bellatrix Newbie:)
ahhhhhh why does everyone but me here like her?!?!
Bellatrix NewbieIdk but I myself :D
get off here bellatrix. off off off
Bellatrix NewbieI think I'll pass
ohh you will regret it when i send you to azkaban!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Congratrulations kimble, you now count as a fantard.
oh i dontknow what that is and what does it mean.
kimble:first it's dragOn not dragIn!second:i like to kill molly weasley cause she killed the greatest witch of all time!
oh you better not kill her or i will kill u
you can't kill me cause you're an eight-years old girl with no power.but i'm one of the greatest death eater in the world!,
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