the fight for the moon
Thread Topic: the fight for the moon
A long long time ago Amber, the queen of most foxes, was just enjoying herself when. Amber had a son and a daughter, his name was Jasper and her name was moon.
“Alright let's start with a leap and hold.” Amber said.
Jasper and moon were practicing their battle moves, it was moons turn to leap, she leaped up onto him and held him down.
“Alright belly-rake, A fight-stopper. Slice with unsheathed claws across the soft flesh of the opponent's belly. If you’re pinned down, the belly rake quickly puts you back in control, "Amber explained.
a fox came into a room with a stare-way going over a throne, in that throne sat a fox.
The fox who burst in was a silvery white fox with bright golden eyes.
“I need to speak to you,” she said
“What do you need?” Amber said.
“I need to tell you the forest fire is here.”
“WHAT!? We need to leave now!!” she screamed,
scrambling to her paws.
She got the other fox to get the rest of the foxes to abandon the castle. They went to the water until it was gone then they made an oak tree into a kingdom and they lived happily ever after.
Chapter 1
A fox was running through the forest; she had a thick silver coat and pale blue eyes. The fox who was named Silver stopped at a big oak tree. The oak tree was in the middle of a pine forest. The fox had a key around its neck, and the tree had a keyhole in it. When the fox put the key in the hole a crescent Moon shaped door opened. When she walked in, the room and a gold and silver throne in the middle and a smaller room on the side that the meetings were held, in the back there was a passage to the garden, two staircases on either side of the throne one that led up and one that led down, upstairs there are the training room the queen's bedroom and silvers room, also another bedroom and last for upstairs is the scroll room. The staircase that led down into the baking and cooking rooms also the. The fox walked up the stairs and down the hall.
Alora, a girl with green eyes,soft wavy dirty blonde hair and pale skin, was playing in her backyard on a weekend. She usually hangs out with her friends but today they were somewhere else so she was playing a game outside, in the corner of her eyes she saw a glowing light, she turned and saw that there was an oak tree that was glowing it had a crescent moon shaped door started to open, she couldn’t see the inside but assumed that it was a hollow tree. She walked closer and peeked her head inside it, but she couldn’t see anything. She walked inside and realized it was no tree, it was some sort of castle type thing.
The fox got to a door that had a Gold Moon on it. All the doors had something to do with moons.
She walked in it, it was rather large and had shelfs with tons of scrolls they were all labelled on what they were about, and there were benches and chairs to read on with lots of pillows and a countertop with another fox sitting behind. He was a boy, with light brown fur and amber-ish gold eyes, and was reading a scroll on the Moon tribe. She asked him to get her a scroll about the Moon day. He showed her a room with a silver handle that was also locked on the door he had a lot of keys on him he grabbed one and He unlocked it and grabbed a scroll, the room was tiny and the walls were shelves full of the oldest scrolls that had been a bit burnt around the edges but either than that it was in good shape.
“Thanks,” she said. She walked out of the room.
Silver walked down the hall to her room. It was smaller than the queen's room obviously, but it was the same set up as most of them, except she had different stuff, so she put the scroll on her bed.
She walked out of her room and down the hall when she bumped into a girl. The girl was a human which was odd.
The fox asked her. “Who are you?”
“I'm Alora.” the girl answered.
“My name is Silver. Are you the fox keeper by any chance?” Silver said.
“I don't even know what that is.” Alora said confused on what that meant, altho a talking fox was unordinary, she read books like that but thought it was fake.
“Seriously, you didn't read the note.” Silver rolled her eyes.
“What note?” Alora raised her eyebrow. “Was a note supposed to be delivered to my door?”
“I’ll show you it.” Silver said and went off in a brisk trot. They
reached a door with a Silver Moon on it. “This is the room that you stay in”.
It had a double bed. on one side of the bed it had a desk and
on the other side it had a plant in a pink vase. There was scroll
shelf on the opposite side of the bed. In the room it had a closet filled with clothes.
“Wow.” breathed Alora.
“I know, right.” Silver said.
Silver left the room and Alora followed not really understanding what was going on, and where they were going?
They reached a door with a Gold Moon on it. They entered the room.
Alora looked closely at the scrolls and details.
“Hello,” he was looking down at a scroll, not paying any attention to Alora, who was awkwardly standing behind silver, who was waiting for him to realize that a human was there.
“Hi GOLD, why aren’t you looking” Silver said then turned it into a mumble at the end.
“Who is he?” Alora bent down and whispered in silver’s ear.
“This is my brother.” Silver explained.
“Hi, I'm Alora.” Alora said a bit louder so that he looked up, she was a bit embarrassed now the way she had said it.
“Are you the fox keeper?” he asked.
“I still don't know what that is?” Alora said.
“Oh, um-.” he said.
“Yes, that's why we’re here.” Silver interrupted.
“Oh right, I'll go get the scroll.” Gold said then hurried into a different room.
“This is cool,” Alora said.
“Yeah,” Silver said.
“I'm back,” Gold said.
“Aww man.” he whispered and then said. “You can come in”
“Who are you?” the queen asked, looking at Alora squinting her eyes.
“I’m Alora.” she answered quietly.
“Silver.” the queen said.
“Yes your majesty.”
“Come with me.”
“Ok” Silver said. “I’ll be back”
They walked down the hall until they stopped to A door with a black and white Moon. The queen opened the door. It had a fox bed that had a bed frame with a black Moon. There was a desk with a scroll that wasn’t done getting written, and then there were some that were done getting written were in a neat pile.
“Ok we need to talk,”she said.
“Ok” said Silver.
“I need you to do something for me. Can you go on a trip to a cave to find the Moon ball.” the queen said.
“Yes, I'll do it, “ Silver said.
“You leave tonight ok”.
Silver trotted away, she was trying to sneak through the castle when she saw alora.
“Hi Alora,” Silver said.
“Hi,” said Alora, “what did the queen say to You.”
“ Nothing important” she had to lie.
“Ok” Alora smiled at silver. Nothing important, why did they talk in secret then? Alora thought.
“It’s bed time Alora,” said Silver.
“Ok” Alora went off to bed.
“Ok, all clear!” she whispered to herself. She went off into the woods. She ran and ran until she reached a cave. It had a glowing light.
She walked in farther and farther she saw what was that
glowing light it was the Moon ball but what was guarding it was a dragon, it had midnight scales and baby blue eyes. A wolf appeared there, he had ice blue eyes and dark grey fur.
“Hey! Who are you.” he said.
“I’m Silver, and you are.”she said looking at him.
“hhmm, I am Everest” he said. “Come with me,” Everest said. He pulled her over.
“Hey where are you taking me?” she said glaring at him. But then
they heard something
“Hello’’ a voice said.
“RUN!!’’.everest said. It was another wolf, who was white with green eyes.
“Who are you ’’. Silver said in a ruf voice growling.
“I’m Star’’she said.
“Star!!! ’’. silver said.
“What’’ Star said in an annoying voice.
“Because you BURNT Our town down’’.
“I… i didn't mean i'm so sorry’’ Star said pretending to be sad.
“Urghhh OK fine.” I growled at her.
“OK gu -
Chapter 2
Oh no where did it go no one can know i was looking at that. Silver's heart beated faster as she ran to aloras room, alora wasn't there she went down to the front door outside to find alora sitting on a bench.
Silver walked over to her and found out that Alora had the scroll she read before with the necklace that Everest had.
“What are ya doing with that?” silver asked a bit worried that it was the necklace.
“Oh it's just that everest had a necklace similar to this one here so i was wond-”
“Oh it just looks the same, that's all.” silver said quickly.
“Oh okay, if you say so.” Alora walked back to the castle.
Silver thought that she thinks she is suspicious.
Silver grabbed the scroll and ran it back to the library and hid it away so that no one would tell moon and banish him even though she tried to tell her earlier.
She walked down to the dungeon and walked in to see midnight a girl arctic fox and dusk a fennec fox boy.
“Hey moon said you could leave and would guard so you could have a break.” Silver walked up to where Everest's cage was and winked at him. “Besides you aren’t fighters, medicine foxes can’t guard right”
“Uh okayyy.” dusk gave her a side look and walked off, midnight followed him.
“Um Everest, you know your necklace um does it have some sort of power?” she tried to make it seem less weird than it actually was.
He looked at her for a while and he knew that she wanted to figure it out.
Silver stared back and tried to take her eyes off his.
She started to get embarrassed and Everest laughed.
“Uh… yeah actually it does.” he said and made it sound like he was proud of it which didn’t make sense to silver.
“What power?” she asked again.
“Uh mind controlling” he said smiling.
Silver smiled back awkwardly.
“Where is it?” Silver took her gaze off him and looked at the lock hole.
“Uh, I'm not allowed to have it in the prison, so Star said she would take care of it.” He answered that last question.
Star oh no we could all be doomed.. Silver ran out without saying a word.
She went up to the moon's bedroom.
But the moon was not there.
Wow every time something goes wrong she's not there. She ran down to the kitchen nowhere in the castle; her next hope was alora.
“Do you know where the star is?” silver asked.
“She left.” she answered.
“Oh ok.” Silver went to her room and then thought.
She will control us and we will lose the fight. That's what the prophecy ment. Silver thought.
The sun started to go beneath the trees.
The next morning Silver went for a walk out on the pathway down. She came to a fork in the path and took the left one.
She look up and saw a cave with the words beware on it, she walked in through the entrance it was really dark she walked farther and farther until she felt a paw on her shoulder she turned head and saw no one she backed up and realized that a wolf with a scar across one eye black fur and glowing red eyes.
“Who are you!” silver shouted.
“I might ask you the same question.” he said in a creepy-ish tone.
“I asked you first.” Silver tried to stand taller than him but he was taller.
“Well I asked you second,” he said.
“Well I am um… sil- I am midnight?” she answered.
“Are you asking me a question?” he said, confused.
“No.” she answered.
“Why did it sound like that then,” he said.
“No reason.” silver said.
“I'm Scar,” he said with an evil smile.
Silver looked closely- as she backed away from him, he was a wolf.
He leaped at her pinning her to the ground, he lifted one paw up and pointed his claw right under her chin, silver tried to wiggle free but she was trapped down so hard that it was impossible to move. -
Chapter 3
Alora walked to the scroll room and expected silver but she wasn’t there.
“Have you seen silver?” she asked fennec, fennec was a small light brown fox with big ears, and blue eyes.
“Sorry I don't remember the last time I saw her anywhere.” he answered, shaking his head.
Alora checked the whole castle but she was nowhere to be seen, she went to see gold and ask him something.
“Do you know where silver went, she’s not in the castle.” she asked.
“No, maybe she went on a walk.” he answered looking at some scrolls.
“Can you help me find her?” she wondered.
“Sure,” he said.
They walked through the hall and out the door, they walked on the path until they reached the fork, then they turned right. The forest was calm with fresh air, and Alora wondered if she could have been in her room.
They stopped at a river, it was flowing so fast and on the other side was the border of the wolf pack. Those nasty things hunt in the river even though it's not theirs.
“I don't see her anywhere.” gold said.
“Maybe we should go back.” Alora pointed the other way.
“Get off.” silver yelled.
“Fine, just tell me one thing.” he pushed her down harder.
“Is star on your side.” his evil smile deepend into a snarl.
“Star. where is Scar, has he captured silver yet.” dusty complained.
“I don’t know?” The star grumbled and went to the wolf pups den.
“Hey guys.” star said.
“What, what, what!” they all shouted.
“Don’t you want to battle?” star said.
“Yessss.” they bounced around.
“Well if you want you need to learn battle moves. Like let's start with the Killing Bite- A death blow to the back of the neck. Quick and silent.”
The pups tried it out. Howl, was dark grey, yipper, was brown, and spot was white with grey spots like a dolmation.
“ Good next is Teeth Grip- Target your opponent’s extremities-the legs, tail, scruff or ears-and sink in your teeth and hold. This move is similar to the leap-and-hold except your claws remain free to fight.” star explained.
“Star!” grey called.
“Alright pups you can practice your fighting i’ll be back.” star hurried to the fighter den.
All the fighters were standing in a circle, in the middle was a map.
“We need to plan the attack on the fox kits now.” Grey said.
“Yes, maybe I don't really know she seemed like it but she also seems evil.” silver squinted her eyes. “Wait… why-” a flash of movement slipped by silver and she was thrown into a cage with bars as walls so that she couldn’t escape.
“Hey, get me out of here.” Silver said, outraged. How did that even happen?
“Nah.” he walked into another room.
Alora walked up to the door when she realized that she could have gone the other way on the path.
“Oh no, we checked the wrong spot.” she said.
Alora raced with gold down the path but this time they took the other part of the fork.
They reached a small mountain like rock with an opening, a faded red-ish orange glow came from inside the cave.
“Do you think she went inside?” Alora asked.
“Probably,” he answered.
“Alright.” Alora walked in and saw something, her jaw dropped, and gold went in after her to see why she was so surprised.
“We need to free her.” Alora whispered.
“Who trapped her?” gold raised his eyebrow.
“No idea but we need to rescue her without getting captured ourselves.” Alora explained pulling her hair back into a ponytail.
“Alright let's go get Everest, I think he’ll help somehow?” Gold ran back to the castle and Alora followed him.
“Everest we’re here to free you, we need help.” gold shouted.
He grabbed his key necklace from the scroll room and started putting them in the hole.
“Aren’t those keys just for the scroll room?” Everest asked.
“Nope they are for everything in this castle actually.” Gold answered by going through his keys.
“Ahh, good to know.” The door had finally unlocked.
They ran out of the castle hoping not to be seen.
“So what's happening?” Everest asked as he ran down the path following the others.
“Silver got captured.” Alora answers.
“By who?” he said.
“We don’t know.” They reached the cave and peeked inside.
“I have a plan.” Everest whispered.
“Alright what is it?” Alora asked.
“Star!” shouted a voice.
“Uh what is it?” Star growled. She walked out the fighters den to the leaders room which was close.
“You must attack at dusk.” stone, the pack leader said.
“Hey scar!” yelled everest.
“Everest! You're a wolf, a traitor wolf.” scar said growling.
Gold saw Everest talk to Scar in another room. “Alright alora i have to sneak in there so you get silver free.” Gold ran off leaving Alora to try and unlock the cage.
“Gold, I think I need help,” Everest whispered to gold.
Gold stepped out of the shadows bravely.
“Gold, you can join the wolf’s you know, we have a better chance of winning.” Everest sighed.
Gold stood still, then he looked back to the entrance of the other cave entrance.
“I will join.” he looked down.
“Silver.” Alora came with a key to unlock the cage.
“You came to save me.” Silver said, surprised.
“Of course.” alora said as the door made a clicking sound. “You're free.”
“Come on, let's go.” They ran back to the castle.
“Where's Everest and gold?” silver wonders out loud.
“They came with me, but they should be back soon.” Alora went to the castle.
“We should head back so we don’t get caught as traitors.” gold said looking at the cave entrance.
“Good idea just making sure, you can’t tell anyone got it.” Everest said firmly.
“Promise, i’m going to ask the queen a few questions, cause they don’t have every answer in the scrolls.” gold winked at everest.
They both ran back to the castle, and thought that he could be a good wolf spy. After all, he was smart, he memorised most of the scrolls.
“Moon! Moon! I need to ask you something.” gold shouted across the room.
“Oh um what is it? I'm busy now but first ask the question.” Moon said, studying a jewel.
“Well, for the battle…” he paused.
“Yes.” she looked up from the jewel.
“Oh well, will the fox kits be left behind with the healers or “will the healers fight in the battle?” gold asked.
“Oh um, the healers will protect them and wait for an injured fox to come back.” she said thinking it through.
“Alright if it's alright with you I can gather everyone up and tell them the plan.” gold said.
“Oh smart, I'll tell you the plan. Come to my bedroom office.” The moon walked up the stairs and gold followed her. They walked to her room, and started discussing.
“There you are!” silver shouted to gold.
“Ahh-silver you startled me.” gold said.
“Come with me, I need to talk with you.” she said, tugging at him.
“Alright alright.” he got up and started following silver to where she led him, the med room. midnight and dusk, were not there this time.
“Did you guys get information on the wolf's plan?” Silver asked gold and everest.
“Yes.” gold stepped in front of everest.
“Ok what do you have?” she asked.
“Ok, so they plan on sending a patrol down by the river.” gold said.
“When.” she wondered.
“Umm, at dusk,” he replied.
“I’ll ask moon to send out a patrol.” silver said as she walked back to moon’s bedroom.
Everest winked at gold, he’s smart enough to be a wolf. Everest thought.
Gold walked off back to his place in the scroll room, he grabbed a scroll from the shelf and started reading it. Tales of the foxes, he read through it until it started getting dark.
“Gold. the patrol was just sent out and the wolves have come to captcher the baby foxes.” reported everest.
“ok , I'll be down in a sec.” he said.
Gold quickly finished his chapter and ran down to meet the others, they were in the training room. -
that's all i have so far! i hope you enjoyed it
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