Lucas has story ideas and you should hear them apparently
Thread Topic: Lucas has story ideas and you should hear them apparently
Frrr plus they’re all gay/trans
so a pride parade but with religion involved- -
The fact that Miguire used Class of '09 as their inspo for the Lemonade story we worked on for school last year is f---ing insane
that was a fun project
Our teacher really liked it too- she teaches my younger brother now and apparently she'll tell him about how much she liked the character development in it lmao -
ugh i love these characters but their story is so basic f---
not me torturing this character I made lmaooooo
i love this girl so much I made her this morning mwahaha -
help i need to figure out how to make a coherent character sheet for Danni that isn't just "She writes in a journal and dies mwahaha"
me and Miguire are remaking the Lemonade Cult- I forgot how unhinged I was in that story
it's really fun making stories with him bc I'm more of a "optimistic outlook, happy endings, lots of humor" type writer and he's more of a "everything is dying the world is ending and it all was a simulation" kinda writer so mashing those together just leads to a really unhinged angsty story -
Theater Chairs would be such a good plot-
Absolutely no one will understand what that means except for me mwahaha
omg not only is it a great plot idea it's also a great way to spice up character sheets oooooo
This is what Felix looks like, I have decided, I am God
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