I just wanna be alone
Thread Topic: I just wanna be alone
It's a nickname I made for myself so I could make abunch of egg puns
😂😂😂😂b that's great
When I'm focused in the real-world I'm the problem sòlver but deep inside I'm screaming "I can't do this shıt,help!!"
I'm Not Scared Of Being Tested Im Scared Of What I'll Do...Happy Last Day Of August
f---... I can't believe I passed my National Examinations... Yaaayy me
NOW I need money for college...
Life gets better *sarcastic laughs* -
I just realised there's nothing like "Morality" or "decency" in the world again...
We are all hoes! -
Wake me up from this nightmare
I feel the demons snarling
I feel a hand presses against my chest
Wait are you the demon... -
Please don't hate me, hating myself hurts enough!
Hey, you okay?
Did I write all that????
Yiiisshhh -
Dear Bella of last year
I'm proud to say "you're okay now"
It wasn't a phase as the "adults" would call it rather I'd like to say it was a "blessing"...
I'm glad we went through all that s--- last year and the other years too... We are obviously better, smarter and positive!
And we hope we stay positive :) -
Gosh I need to change my pisshhurree
I feel great...
I was going through old library threads and honestly I fell in love.
The writings were raw. Gooooodddhhhhh
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