Last thing you ate?
Thread Topic: Last thing you ate?
S sandwich
Le1F Advancedwhat kind
Instant noodles.
3/10. The flavour was just kind of boring idk -
Tuna salad
5/10 we didn't have any short noodles so we had to break up spaghetti noodles into tiny pieces. So like tuna spaghetti, almost? I don't know. -
Actually, 4/10.
So we can't add them, and that takes it down some. -
Skillet 8/10
Too many eggs, hash browns don't taste as good in it as diced potatoes, and there wasn't enough salt or pepper. Also forgot to add hot sauce. -
Nachos 10/10
I burned my tongue on accident from making it to make sure it tasted good, but the food was a little too hot. So I was adding spices just from the feeling in my mouth, what needed to be added.
Well, when supper was ready, my tastebuds had regained their ability to taste, and it tasted fabulous. Right amount of salt, garlic, jalapeƱos, everything. Entire family loved it.
And I'm having some mint chip ice cream right now, and the sweet after the spicy is fantastic. -
Waffles with peanut butter 8/10 it was too sticky but I eggspected that
Nacho fries. Basically nachos but with fries instead of tortilla chips.
It was just bad nacho cheese, and it's a little hard to get the toppings on the fries when you eat it. -
Greek Chicken (not actually greek, i don't think)
10/10 -
Leftover brat from 2 days ago, popped in the microwave for 30 seconds. 8/10, pretty good honestly. leftovers just taste better
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