Is it worth it to try lobster?
Thread Topic: Is it worth it to try lobster?
I've heard it talked up beofre and I quite enjoy seafood ( Ranging from prawns ( or shrimp ) to sea bass ) I've tried quite a lot. The main things I haven't tried are lobster and crab. So my question is , are they something is hould try?
What do they taste like?
How should they be eaten?
what goes well with them? -
How to eat lobster
1, they aren't cheap so manage wisely
2, eat them -
Crab is AWESOME. I definitely recommend trying it. Lobster however, I'm not a big fan of it. So yeah. Heh. I like crab though.
My typos are really bad my apologies.
Ok thank you , I have found a place ( a reliable shop ) that is selling lobsters at around seven pound when I checked last.
Thank you. Is there a way I should eat crab? Like just Crab meat or in something else? -
imafancyjag NewbieMonster that is one of the best dishes ever created
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