Feedback and Updates
We love hearing from our users! Please share with us your thoughts and let us know if you encounter any errors. We want GoToQuiz to be your ultimate quiz destination! This board will also be used for updates and site news.
- Coping accountsPeople are doubling or even tripling accountsDarkIsTheCat
- Raynefall
- 7 posts
- 5 years ago
- here's a thingand it's real annoying.dragonsfire
- dragonsfire
- 3 posts
- 5 years ago
- I noticed a possible problem/bugIdk if anyone else has addressed this or not, so I apologize in advance if this question has already been answeredLe1F
- therealminime
- 9 posts
- 5 years ago
- GTQ GuyRe: Account Deletionboss_baby
- Dark22978
- 9 posts
- 5 years ago
The Geek
- Stardust1
- 6 posts
- 5 years ago
The Geek
- The Geek
- 2 posts
- 5 years ago
- There's many problemsPlease fix them!!!!firebreather
- firebreather
- 1 post
- 5 years ago
- The Coldest Sun
- 5 posts
- 5 years ago
The Geek
- GTQ Guy
- 16 posts
- 5 years ago
boss baby2
- boss baby2
- 28 posts
- 5 years ago
- boss_baby
- 24 posts
- 5 years ago
- GTQ Guy
- 13 posts
- 5 years ago
- The Geek
- 5 posts
- 5 years ago
- The Geek
- 4 posts
- 5 years ago
The Geek
- therealminime
- 7 posts
- 5 years ago
- Delete My Account or Fix the Problem, Please!I appear to be hated here and your advice isn't working GTQ Girl!Dark22978
- Clara Ford
- 24 posts
- 5 years ago
- Idea for the next updateIf this is even possibleClara Ford
- Thats_Just_Josh
- 6 posts
- 5 years ago
- Typical Normie
- 2 posts
- 5 years ago
- Paige_
- 1 post
- 5 years ago
- Would it be a bad ideaTo remake a thread for reporting trolls again?Dark22978
- therealminime
- 2 posts
- 5 years ago