Drawing challenge:
Thread Topic: Drawing challenge:
Queen_Of_The_Fae Newbie1st challenge :
Draw your username.
2nd challenge: use a dictionary, or a book, and randomly select a word, draw an image based on that word.
3rd challenge : go to an of generator site and draw a character based on that.
No NSFW art can be shared on the site.
This isn’t like an ink toner thing, these are really just prompts. -
For challenge 4 -
Okay I'm gonna do this but like,,
I just googled what a kat is and apparently it's some kind of drug so yay??
I regret this username that my 10 year old self made up on the spot lol -
Okay so.. I might've gotten too excited and skipped right down to challenge 3, but oh well I made a cutie
AGE : Adult
SKIN TONE : Transparent
BODY SIZE/SHAPE : Incredibly Muscular
HEIGHT : Short
HAIR (STYLE) : Mid-length, Wavy
HAIR (COLOUR) : Candyfloss (pastel pinks, blues and white)
STYLE : Artsy
MISC : Coloured Contact(s)
Yes, I did reload the oc generator page until I got one that I liked (cheating? Maybe. Don't judge me >:P) -
I did the same thing
I'm a bit busy so I don't know if I'll be able to do the rest yet but I did draw my username!:
isn't this thread about art?
Le1F Advancedi dont like sonething
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