Hey Nat
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: Hey Nat
*shadowy figure comes in and then just as quickly disapears*
*lights go out*
Nat:Holy s---.wtf
Me:....... -
me: *turns flashlight back on* :3
Zoro: *passed out*
Haku: *sober now cause of dell* the hell? -
Me:.....*still silent where I supposedly am*
Nat:Heph?o.o -
me: Hephy?
Me:*no sound cept a very eerie scraping sound*
Nat:o.o Heph..? -
me: Hephy?? *shines light towards hephy's direction*
Me:*is a bird*
Ren:*walks in dragging shady figure* Found this guy running off...holy fuk.o.O -
me: if he's another shadow demon I'm going to go back down to the shadow dimension and shine the brightest light i have.
Haku: *facepalm* you'd die too Ting.
Me; oh right.
Zoro: *is freed by Haku and sober* idiot. -
Ren:*looks at guy*No not shadow demon. This be Horo Horo.
Horo Horo:Eheheheh hi. -
me: *yells* MANDY
Haku and Zoro: *wince cause it was loud*
Mandy: *Storms in* GODDAMN IT WHAT?
me; *points to hephy*
Mandy: whoa. birdy. -
horo horo *slight nosebleed*
Me:*waves wing*caw~?
Horo Horo:*tries to escape*... -
Mandy: alright umm
me: O_O
Mandy: *pulls out a knife and stabs Ting*
me: DOIP--o_O
Mandy: *drips blood on Hephy's head and pulls out wand*
*hephy and wand glows*
Haku and Zoro: *stares* -
Horo Horo:*already made it out and away*
Me:o.o caw? -
*hephy returns back to normal*
Haku: ..didn't that hurt??
me: *weakly* no...*falls over bleeding*
Zoro: aw s---.
Zoro: *glares at Mandy* -
Me:*blinks*Where'd Horo Horo go...you guys DID keep him here, right?-.-
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