Fortune Cookie Quiz!!! :)

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This is the quiz for anyone who loves fortune cookies like I do! Have funnnnn :)

Enjoy the quiz... I won't waste your time with more stupid explanations.......................................Ratings appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Created by: greener
  1. When you open a fortune cookie, how do you do it?
  2. Which of these is/are some of your goals?
  3. Which guy/girl would you be into?
  4. Which artist would you be most likely to listen to?
  5. What is the most annoying trait in people?
  6. What song would you rather listen to?
  7. Where would you like to live?
  8. What color is appealing to you?
  9. What kind of dog would you get, if you like dogs?
  10. People would describe you as....
  11. Last question...What type of food do you like?

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