Forever and Always pt.6 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Forever and Always pt.6.
Yay!!!! That scene with Alex was AMAZING :P can't wait for part 7!!!! And- (this is something completely random)- I've become kinda deadly with hair ties. I killed 2 spiders by flinging the hair ties at them. One I was standing like 5 feet away from and the spider was in a corner. And when I hit it, it dropped and it's leg stared twitching a little, so I slammed the window down on it. :P
Thanks again for taking my seies guys I am so glad I finished it on time LOL
@DaughterOfA pollo: Lol I actually liked that scene too and hella random with the spidersXD but it sounds funXP
@pielover5 11: So many people are team Alex huh? LOL I honestly cant decide yetD: but He is one of my favorite:)
@eve1 241: I saw all your comments and thanks for taking my series:D and Im also excited for part 7! Can't wait to see what my awesome brain has next:D
@Firey_soul: I think I make alot of people cry in this series... is it bad? LOL I broke down in tears when I wrote that one line "Please, sir, dont hurt me." Omg that was so sad T.T and Nick... well the next part will explain it all :P but anywho My sister finally read this and was in tears and is litterally commanding me to write x)
@DaughterOfApol lo: Lmao you made me laugh so hard XD
Haha I didn't mean that once I killed the fly I felt better lol. I just realized that that comment wasn't really worded right XD
Psh... crappy? WAT EV! This was awesome! :) I cry a lot in this series... it's so not like me, but oh well. :P I really liked that scene with Alex, I'm glad he's not mad at me... I wish I could say the same for Nick. :S Boy drama alert!!!! Make part 7 soon pleeeeeease? :)
**SPOILER ALERT** Guys Im only going to tell you one thing the next ITS FREKIN SCARY AS HELL!!!!! I was going to tell you just one line from it but I want you to be suprised:P Anyways scary as hell so I warned you...
Alex all the way! He has always been my favorite. I can't wait until part 7!
eve12411 -
@33izzy18 not really, I was kinda sad when I did that and then I killed a fly with a hair tie.
***PLEASE READ*** Guys the stupid quiz won't go on the new quizes list but part 7 is out.
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