Forever A Survivor pt 1 (I became a survivor series 2)

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This is actually pt 12 of "I Became a Survivor", but through all these years, the only reason I didn't update is because the site won't let me. I Changed the title, so mabey it will let me now. -.-'

This is actually pt 12 of "I Became a Survivor", but through all these years, the only reason I didn't update is because the site won't let me. I Changed the title, so mabey it will let me now. -.-' Sorry.

Created by: Reanna15146
  1. After a while, my tears all but dried up. Sobs no longer racked my body- I barely felt the strong grip of the smirking centaur as he hoisted me over his shoulder, and into a small cell, probably deep underground. RC lent down in my face, frowning with fake pity. He said something, but I wasn't bothering to listen anymore. I was barely bothering to breathe. Perhaps sensing this, the silver-haired man stood upright and left. The resounding "BERANG" the door made as it closed and locked sounded like a cryptic laugh as it plunged me into darkness and silence...
  2. I don't know how long I'd been there, in that deep, empty darkness. Eventually, I bothered to sit myself upright, but then just leaned against the wall. What's the point of anything else? I sat there for days. A tray of food was delivered to me through a slot in the door three times a day, but I barely ate half of breakfast most of the time. With all that solitary silence and darkness, I kept thinking about Joey, and his brutal end. I thought about how his blood lay indirectly on my hands. He was only pinpointed by RC because he'd gone against him to protect me. It was all because of me. Every little thing that had happened to my group of friends came down to something I'd said or done. All their problems were my fault. And it tore me up. I let out a shuttering, unsteady breath and leaned my head back against the wall, closing my eyes- it was too dark to see anything anyways. 'I might as well rot away and die in here.' I thought to myself. 'Save everyone the trouble of worrying and caring for me. I wish that b------ would just kill me already.' I knew all my friends would scold me for the thought, but what else could I think? My whole body was quivering with the guilt coursing through me, mixing with my blood and the tears I couldn't feel streaming over my cheeks and down my neck. "'ARE YOU AN IDIOT?'"
  3. I raised my head, opening my stinging eyes to the blank room. "Wh-who's there?" I demanded in a hoarse voice. A low chuckle. "'Oh, how original~'" Then the room... became...less dark? I could see the faint outlines of the creases between the walls and floor. Then there was that man, wearing no masks for once. His sharp eyes pierced into me as he squatted in the corner. He reminded me of a predator with the way he gazed at me, as if smelling the fresh, bloody meat that had been set in front of him. His wide, dark grin seemed both unnerving and comforting at the same time. It was a strange combination, but I kind of liked it. "You're..." He grinned wider. "Yes, I am the Shini." "But why do you keep...doing this? Talking to me?" His legs shrunk further into each other, making him squat lower. "Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" He questioned with a tilt of his head, still grinning. "I...soppose not..." I muttered. 'There's that mixed up feeling again. So weird...' "What do you want? I don't understand why you would want to talk to me like this. You've nothing to gain." His grin turned into a slight smirk. "Hmmm... No? Well, you could say I'm waiting." I didn't ask the blatant question."I'm waiting, child, for you to recognise me. Or, the other me." "The other you?" "He is me, just as I am not him." I now took a good, long look at this man, at his black hair, ebony eyes, and sharp features...The name slipped from my lips in an awkward whisper. "Dante..."
  4. The man's smirk softened into a gentle smile. "You remember now? But I'm not him. He is me. We're two separate parts of the same soul. He is the light,"- his grin suddenly widened -"and We are both the dark." He shuffled over and squatted down again, this time face the same wall as me. "____, you have so many questions, but most of them single around a single person, don't they? A very important, very DEAD person." I nodded numbly, still staring at the wall. "You mother, Miss Dawn Ruebeck, married to Mister Alexander ____, was Our previous partner before you. She was so much like you, yet still so different. Dawn was here as well, in this very building." A smile hinted on his downcast face at the memory. "She was the only one in history to escape the clutches of the Ceveine family. When she got out, she got an under-the-table operation to remove her extensions, got on with life, got married, and had you. When her previous captor came to her eight years latter, before her and Alexander were killed, she told him about Our family secret, told him you were to be an important person to the world, a powerful person. Your father didn't know about any of it, but went along, a father hoping against hope to save his only daughter's life." Dante shook his head in sadness and regret, clenching his teeth for a moment before continuing. "Of course, RC believed her, promised her he'd help you in your destiny to become great. You have to believe me, ____. Your mother only wanted you to live. She didn't with all this pain upon you. That's why she wrote all those songs and poems. They're all about this place, giving you silent warnings, advice...and goodbyes." I recalled the notes and verses I'd come to think of as my childhood, the tunes and words I was accustomed to. Had my mother been warning me of her death?
  5. Me and Dante reviewed many of my mother's works over the next few days, deciphering their meaning. Some made us angry, others made us cry, or laugh, or smile. Most made me cry. When we ran out of her songs and poems, we started talking about our memories of her and my father. Dante, in both dragon and human form, told me about what they were like when they were younger. He told me adventure stores of when she was here, most of them relating to what I'd seen or done. "She played it a bit smarter than you," He said one day after lunch. "She was calm and quiet and behaved herself, did what she was told. Then when she got off the plane, she jumped. Just like that. Most of the other survivors probably thought she died, committing suicide. But Nathan, one of the winged people in her "Generation", went with her, and they escaped. They traveled aimlessly for weeks, but they eventually found a tribe of native. Turns out we were in some weird forest in India. The feds searched and searched, but they could never find this place. No one but RC really knows where exactly we are. Mabey no one ever will." After all the stories all tired out, we'd sit together and sing the song of my mother's, tears almost always streaming down our eyes. That lasted a couple months. I grew even closer to the dragon/man than I had ever been before. He told me about his previous masters, all in the long line of Ruebecks. He was sort of like a secret, immortal family pet. I slept in his arms after the first month.
  6. Over the next few months, I talked and sang with Dante, did random exercises, and had some breakdowns. I had a few choice words for RC and his goons, and frequently voiced them. Nobody ever responded though, except Dante, who'd applaud I'd just eat one meal a day, do whatever, and sleep. I always slept cuddled up to my dark dragon, considering there weren't any beds. Just me, dante, and a stinky toilet. I Sometimes dreamed about my friends, the outside world, or my very favorite dreams- pounding RC and all his loyal goons into the pavement. It helped with the sanity problem. But other times I'd have savage nightmares, from which I awoke in exhaustion. They'd be about my mother. Sometimes, I'd be a bystander, watching her bleed out on the street, RC hovering tauntingly over her. But most of the time I'd BE her, feel the blood pulsing from my injuries, hear the evil laugh, feel the cold hand of my father in my own, unable to turn to look at him, feel the sorrow for my child, who I knew probably held my own fate. I'd wake from those dreams screaming, crying, and cursing RC and everything he believed in. I was losing it, I could feel it. I was losing myself to the dreams, the dark, the awful food. My mind was slowly slipping out of my grasp, and it was torturous to know it. Dante helped, cooing me into calm when I awoke in such a way, talking to me all the time, listening to me when I needed it. But I was balanced on a very steep cliff, and the edge was crumbling under my feet.
  7. When I woke up one early morning from one of the nightmares about my mother, I lost it completely. I lost sight of the life boat, fell off the cliff, and felt the thread snap all at once. Suddenly completely awake, I jumped to my feet and rammed my shoulder against the door, again, again, and again...for hours I went on like this, Dante watching me with sad, defeated eyes. My shoulder quickly busted, spraying blood across the wall and floor, coating the door I was charging. I knew I couldn't bust it down, but I was determined to leave one hell of a dent. For almost two days straight I attacked that door, and I was making decent progress on that dent. It was almost a quarter foot into the door. But I guess my dear dragon couldn't see and listen to me slowly kill myself any longer. He took my forcefully, ignoring my struggles, and tucked me securely under his wing.I bit, scratched, and clawed, but he didn't so much as flinch, and I couldn't leave any marks. After an hour or so of useless attacks, I gave up, leaning against his strong shoulder. I let the depression take over, allowed myself to sob into his neck without muffling at all. I didn't eat anything after that. I tried a couple times, but just ended up heaving into the old toilet. I laid against Dante for to weeks.
  8. I was drifting in and out of conciousness, half way in a dream about going to the mall with my friends, like normal teenagers, when I heard something. It was so faint, I figured it was from my dream. But then it got steadily louder. As I slowly cane to full conciousness, I recognised the sound as hard footsteps and shouting. There were never any sounds from the other side of the door, so I was shocked into alertness. As I lifted myself into a sitting position, something began pounding on the door. I gasped as the blade of an axe pierced the steel, then retreated, followed by others until the door lay in a crumbled heap of metal in the hall. Five strong-looking men in blue uniforms stood looking down at me -they couldn't see or touch Dante, obviously- with shocked faces before enormous grins stretched across their cheeks. One turned and shouted down the hall "We found her!" And more men came rushing towards us. Their footsteps were loud. The man in the front reached down to pick me up, but I bit down hard on his hand. He yelled out more in surprise than pain- it wasn't deep- before backing offf, still grinning like an idiot. Then another man came rushing in, and I pounced into his arm immediately. "Mat!" The cat-man looked stunned for a moment before encasing me in his arms, crying silently into my hair. My sobs weren't so quiet. "B-but how?!" I demanded, my arms still around his neck. "W-what's going o-on?!" The raven-haired man grinned, breathless. "We're free!" He shouted. "When RC found you, he didn't know we'd gotten away. We left and found the police through some weird tribe. Apollo tracked you back to here. RC got killed in a shooting. We're free!"
  9. I was silent, too astounded with his words to speak. Mat led me silently out of the building and into an open area. The man I bit before walked up to us, with a bandaged hand, and gave me a pair of thick sunglasses to help cope with the hot, too-bright sunlight."S-sorry..." I mumbled, looking down at his hand. He just shook his head. You were scared- I get it. I would have done the same thing-though mabey a bit differently." He added when I raised an eyebrow. Then he did something that mane me go completely stiff- he wrapped his arms around me in an enormous bear hug. When he backed up and saw my face, he laughed. "Sorry. I guess you don't know who I am. My name's Nathan Brooks. I was in the same "Generation" as your mother. And... I know about the family secret." He whispered the last part in my ear and backed up, awaiting my response. I just slowly turned him around and slid the back of his uniform down to reveal small, short, white feathers. I quickly pulled it back up and he turned to face me. "____...I want you to come live with me. Until you're an adult, at least. I've got a huge mansion back in Ohio. I've got the house, five thousand acres of land, hills, fields, even a lake and small forest. There's plenty of room for Apollo and Ray to do whatever they want. You'll have a whole floor to yourself." He took my hands in his. "Please. I know how Dawn struggled to get her life back. I don't want the same thing for you. Let me give you a better life. Come live with me back home." The tears came down harder now, and I didn't particularly care. It was all finally over.
  10. Again, sorry for the multi-year wait!!!! DX'

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