Forced to be with him...2

Sorry its short and took awhile to get out. Last question will explain. It all now skip thisI click my fingers and find myself standing beside Drake. He is cooking Pasta and is home always. "A little early for dinner, don't you think" I ask starring at the pasta, which looks very nice. "What the f--- are you doing here. I don't need a f----- angel to "help" me" He swears at me, while stirring the pasta sauce. "I don't like it but I am stuck with you. Anyway check on the pasta, ill stir the sauce" I snap at him, I grab the spoon off him an start stirring and crushing. "Hey get out" He yells and takes the spoon off me. I snap my fingers again and dissaper into my bed room. 'Hey Vincent its Rosella. What's up' I texted to him. I need to know more about Drake, even if it means using

I click my fingers and find myself standing beside Drake. He is cooking Pasta and is home always. "A little early for dinner, don't you think" I ask starring at the pasta, which looks very nice. "What the f--- are you doing here. I don't need a f----- angel to "help" me" He swears at me, while stirring the pasta sauce. "I don't like it but I am stuck with you. Anyway check on the pasta, ill stir the sauce" I snap at him, I grab the spoon off him an start stirring and crushing. "Hey get out" He yells and takes the spoon off me. I snap my fingers again and dissaper into my bed room. 'Hey Vincent its Rosella. What's up' I texted to him. I need to know more about Drake, even if it means using Vincent. Look I never said I was perfect!

Created by: singin234

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Drake is walking up to his locker, how I hate him. Maybe if I didn't hate him, I would of thought he was hot. His messy black hair that falls into his sparkling dark blue eyes. His smile is perfect, he way he walks and talks. But that two timing, back stabbers,
  2. flirt, no manners, jerk, pig, idiot and so many other things I can't think of right now. "Hey Drake, you might want to meet Rosella" Stella tells him pointing to me, he knows who I am. Gabe told him in was coming. Gabe, is a pretty, perfect angle. So everything I am not. "Hi" He says frowning, I don't care to smile at him. "Hi" I say back frowning as well. Stella is confused by the look on her face. Drake grabs his books, then looks me in the eye. This guy needs lean how to smile. "Later" he mummbles and walks away.
  3. "Have you two met before," Stella asks shocked. She watches him as he perfectly walks away. "He gave you the most cold look" She tells me when he is out of ear shot. I can't lie to her, angles can't lie. "No, let's go" I tell her changing the subject. She nods as we walk to class.
  4. "I have salad for lunch" Stella tells me, openning a green lunch box. I haven't seen Drake again all day, not even at school. He probably skipped when he found out I was here. "Hey" Two voices say beside me. I look up to see a girl and a boy. The girl has long blond hair with blue streaks. It matches well with her blue eyes. She sits down beside me, while the boy sit next to Stella. He looks the same as the girl but a boy version, with shorter hair. "Oh Rosella this is Sam and Joel" Stella tells me, I guess Sam is the girl. I can see her aura, around her is a blue aura. (Me: I am just going to make up the auras) Blue usally means, strong and kind. Not like purple that means snobbish. I Just don't know what white means. "Hey" I say to them both, they smile. Their teeth look the same. They are twins.
  5. "So where are you from" Sam asks me, taking out her lunch. That is pasta along with Joel. "A small town" I tell them quickly stuffing my food into my mouth so i don't have to say anymore. "Hey you, new girl" A voice calls, I turn up head to the voice. My eyes landing on a guy with short brown hair and Crystal clear eyes. I can feel my heart beat faster, I've never felt this was before. "Yeah" I say smoothly, staring into his bright green eyes. He looks like the spotty type. "I am Vincent, what's your name" He asks me staring back into my eyes. He so cute, not like I cant fall in love with him..."Rosella, nice to meet you" I murmur softly, his smiles seems to light up the room. "You too, text me" He tells me garbbing a marker and writing on my arm. I nod as he walks away. "Don't get to attached to him. You have lots of rivals, like me" A voice snapped behind me. I turned around to see the most tanned girl ever. She makes me look like a vampire. "Oh" Ecaped my lips, she It him first. I would hate to be another girl to fall over him
  6. Should I text him, should I try to get to know him? I sigh and roll onto my side hugging a soft pilllow. School has been out for an hour, Vincent... should I? Then I can hear a faint soft ring of a bell. Oh I know what that means...Gabe. Her fair long blond hair is up in two pigtails and her blue eyes sparkle. "Forget about Vincent, his role in this story comes later. Go after Drake and make him talk" Gabe tells me then goes. She never stays very long anyway. Drake...he is going to ruin my life.
  7. I click my fingers and find myself standing beside Drake. He is cooking Pasta and is home always. "A little early for dinner, don't you think" I ask starring at the pasta, which looks very nice. "What the f--- are you doing here. I don't need a f----- angel to "help" me" He swears at me, while stirring the pasta sauce. "I don't like it but I am stuck with you. Anyway check on the pasta, ill stir the sauce" I snap at him, I grab the spoon off him an start stirring and crushing. "Hey get out" He yells and takes the spoon off me. I snap my fingers again and dissaper into my bed room. 'Hey Vincent its Rosella. What's up' I texted to him. I need to know more about Drake, even if it means using Vincent. Look I never said I was perfect!
  8. Sorry its short and has been a long time. I am on holiday's and far away from home. Its hard to type on my phone. So I am sprry
  9. Sorry its short and has been a long time. I am on holiday's and far away from home. Its hard to type on my phone. So I am sprry
  10. Sorry its short and has been a long time. I am on holiday's and far away from home. Its hard to type on my phone. So I am sprry
  11. Sorry its short and has been a long time. I am on holiday's and far away from home. Its hard to type on my phone. So I am sprry

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