For Those Who Are Really Bored Right Now

Are you bored right now? I mean, are you truly, extremely, entirely bored in all you are and will ever be? If so, take this quiz. It's random and entertaining.

At least I think it's entertaining....For cureing all of your boredom needs. .................................... Comment, please, when you're done!

Created by: alex_d_e_v_i_l
  1. Have you taken this quiz before?
  2. If so, did you like it?
  3. How bored would you say you are, scale of 1 through 10?
  4. What would you do if you weren't bored right now?
  5. What's your LEAST favorite color?
  6. Why did you want to take this quiz?
  7. Were you REALLY bored when you took this quiz, or were you lying?
  8. Pick one.
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Zombie Assassin

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