Food As Medicine Quiz

This quiz is based on the lecture, please read through each question carefully before answering the question. Each question is multiple short; some are true/false, others are not.

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Created by: Raheem Louis
  1. When researchers looked at extra virgin olive oil and its effects on endothelial function, it was found to be beneficial.
  2. In the study, what was the effect of adding Spirulina to fibrolast cells during the wound healing process?
  3. Of the ten leading causes of death, how many are associated with nutrition?
  4. In the lecture, which food was found to be therapeutic for hypertension in randomized control trials?
  5. What type of education is lacking in medical school curriculum?
  6. In the study that evaluated the effect of flax seeds on hypertension, the levels of systolic and diastolic dropped below the levels that considered an individual to be hypertensive
  7. What assay was used to evaluate endothelial function?
  8. What percentage of spirulina, in the study, was efficient enough to stop Caco-2 cancer cells?
  9. Is spirulina a complete food source?
  10. What color is spirulina?

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