FNaF ultimate quiz

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Hi do you really think you know fnaf as good as me well no you don't quiz yourself in this ultimate quiz good luck have fun you don't need to get everything

You will receive a couple of fnaf questions and you have to guess witch one it is the mangle one is kinda unknown but i do so try your best don't give up

Created by: ameilia raynor-king
  1. How was William Afton killed?
  2. What gender is Mangle
  3. Why did bonnie have his face ripped of in the second game
  4. Why is Toy Freddy so fat?
  5. Why does Foxy sing in the first game
  6. Why did Elizabeth want to go to Circus Baby so bad
  7. True or false Chica loves pizza more than her cupcake
  8. What is Chica's cupcake's name
  9. What is a withered chica voice line
  10. How was Michael Afton killed

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