Fnaf quiz (6th game)

Jhggjhmgfgmhfmhgxkj,forge,jars,hjvsfrv,Hearn,herb,jhrfshbfsrbh,more,Bjerknes,more,bnmrfs,numbers,mjfrb,misfire,jbref,gjjfsr,jhkvsrhilkrfs Iuoefulahihjarek,bjfrsik.udcs Hitoshi.knjk,sfrh.jkccsu.ois.iihnnk,frygullhkjaewflhjifwrohuirfouihliuhuihuipiuhujh,g,high,jbref,jhang,jhang not.m.mb.jkhvjkvjhjbk..hjv.hvjjhvvh,he,bn,job,jbhjvjh,him,him,he,BnB,hjvvhjhvjhvjhv,jog,Java,,j

Eeeeeeeerieurukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. C. Bonn bbhmmhvmhvmvhjgvjcghjvjhvhjvvnhhvnvnhvvnhhvvhnvnhnvnhvnhhvvvhnhvnhvnhvhnbvhvnhnvvnnbvvvnhvvhnnnhvvhnbvhnvhhvnnhvhvhnvhvvhnnhvvnnvhvhnhvvhnhvvhnvnhnhvhvnnhvvhnnhv

Created by: AssassinWing
  1. Which fnaf character do we see at the start of the game
  2. Who is the animatronic in the book teaser?
  3. What is the actual name to this game
  4. What app/store can u get this game from
  5. Like this quiz
  6. Haha u thought that was the end think again!
  7. Who is Funtime freddys scrap version
  8. What is scrap Funtime foxy name in this game
  9. Is this the last game?
  10. Lol is puppet insid of lefty
  11. LOLs is this a long quiz
  12. What type of animatronic is lefty
  13. How do the animatronics get to you?
  14. Is Funtime bonnie and chica in it

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