Fnaf 1,2,3,4 quiz!

There are Many people who like Five nights at Freddys and those people are awesome because i love fnaf fans! SO TAKE THIS QUIZ AND TRY TO GET 100% ON IT!

Are You a true Five nights at Freddys Fan? If you are try out my new quiz i made i did work on this for 20 minutes and i would love someone to take my quiz!

Created by: Rafo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who made FNAF?
  2. Who are the four main animatronics?
  3. Which Fnaf do you like the most?
  4. Who has no face in fnaf2?
  5. Who is Springtrap and how old is the suit?
  6. How many animatronics are in Fnaf 4?
  7. Do you like Scott?
  8. How do you protect yourself in Fnaf2?
  9. What is the new game Scott is making?
  10. Last one! Did you like this quiz?

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