Flow Legacy Quiz

this is a quiz so that you learn stuff about this clan and see how much you know I got all the information from videos in 2014 so try and guess some more and you'll be set

ARE YOU THE TAKING? Are you a pro and a huge fan of Flow? If so definelty try this quiz and you'll be able to see if your a true 2014 fan of FLegacy!!

Created by: daniel
  1. When is Paper's birthday? (Hint he says it in a cutcom)
  2. Who joined Flow first?
  3. Who is Paper's best friend?
  4. What is Aspect known for?
  5. What is Papers most likely teacher with Swad Skittles?
  6. When will Flow start?
  7. What is Flow Legacy?
  8. When did Paper join Flow Legacy?
  9. How long has React been streaming?
  10. Which of the following is true?

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