Fix Tube Lite Quiz

What is a quiz WIKIAPIDIA The first appearance of the word is from 1784 and means an odd person. This sense survives today in the word "quizzical". It was also used in the term quizzing glass, a common accoutrement ofH British Regency dandies. It later acquired a meaning of to make fun of, or to mock. How it acquired its current meaning of a test is unknown, but that sense did not appear until 1867 and then it was in the United States. The OED2 has a citation from 1847 where the word appears: "She com back and quiesed us", which could be a clue to its origin. Quiz as a test could be a corruption of the Latin Qui es, meaning "Who are you?" American Heritage says it may be from the English dialect verb quiset, meaning to question. In any case it is probably from the same root as questi

What is a quiz WIKIAPIDIA p The first appearance of the word is from 1784 and means an odd person. This sense survives today in the word "quizzical". It was also used in the term quizzing glass, a common accoutrement of British Regency dandies. It later acquired a meaning of to make fun of, or to mock. How it acquired its current meaning of a test is unknown, but that sense did not appear until 1867 and then it was in the United States. The OED2 has a citation from 1847 where the word appears: "She com back and quiesed us", which could be a clue to its origin. Quiz as a test could be a corruption of the Latin Qui es, meaning "Who are you?" American Heritage says it may be from the English dialect verb quiset, meaning to question. In any case it is probably from the same root as questio

Created by: e

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who died on the plane to japan. Clue- 2 people died on the plane to but only one of them is on this list.
  2. Who is the creator of Fix Tube Lite.
  3. What happend to Tiger.
  4. On the plane back to canada, who died?
  5. Who is the real onwer of Fix Tube Lite
  6. What is the whole event about
  7. How many time did they have to Kill bear of doom in till he dies
  8. Who is Evil

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