five nights at freddys (short quiz)

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Hey!Welcome to my quiz!Its pretty...self explanitory.You take the quiz to find out if your Bonnie,Chica,Freddy,or Foxy.Hope you like the quiz.thanks for playing!

This is my first quiz!If you like this quiz I will make more bla bla bla,all that other formal stuff.I just want you to have fun taking my multiple answer quiz.

Created by: Bonnie_is_awsome
  1. what (of these) is a quality of you?
  2. what would you rather do?
  3. how would you react to new people?
  4. Would you rather...
  5. were would you rather your room to be?
  6. what number do you choose?
  7. what is your favorate food?
  8. Which place would you rather be?
  9. which animal do you like better?
  10. how do you feel when you hurt someone?

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