Five Nights At Freddys

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Created by: Ariii
  1. Who is Golden Freddy?
  2. Who is Springtrap?
  3. Who is the victim in the bite of 83?
  4. Who is the victim in the bite of 87
  5. Who is Marionette (The Security Puppet)
  6. Who is Circus Baby?
  7. Who is Ballora?
  8. Select the funtime crew
  9. Select the mediocre melodies
  10. Why was Lefty made?
  11. Who made Lefty?
  12. Who do we play as in FNAF 3, Sister Location, and FNAF 6: Pizzeria Simulator (Based On What MatPat says)
  13. Which Animatronic Crew has secret lines in UCN?
  14. Who do we play as in UCN?
  15. Who is Mangle? (Based on the theory)
  16. Who was Marionette (Security Puppet) made to protect?
  17. What is Ennard?
  18. Why were the Nightmare Animatronics made?
  19. Select the answer that is all of William Afton's counterparts.
  20. Who helps you (The Player) in Sister Location

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