Five Nights at Freddy's Quiz

Five Nights at Freddy is a very terrible game where animatronics who sound aweful and annot sing try to kill you with they're terrible singing, next time you see animatronics, RUN

Now, to survive a possible animatronic apocalypse where singing teddy's try to kill you, you need to have the skill, so if you can't accomplish this quiz, RIP for you!

Created by: Toby Baker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many restaurants are in FNaF after "The Game Theorists" theory?
  2. How many animatronics did the first restaurant have?
  3. What is the name of the only night guard to not be fired?
  4. How are the animatronics of FNaF called? (Multiple Answers)
  5. What happened 1987?(Multiple answers)
  6. What was used in Night 6?
  7. In the first game, in night 4 Phone Guy got...
  8. How many rooms were known in the first game to guests?
  9. Sometimes if you die in the first game...
  10. There are ... death minigames

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