Five Nights at Freddy's

You will be a member of the Freddy Fazbear band when your score is 85-100...if your a true FNAFreddy's master take this quiz and get the highest score possible! Hope you can do it!

Are YOU a FNAFreddy's genius? Do you know how all of this started? Do you know who caused the bight of 87? Do you want to be a member of the Fazbears? Let's figure out if you get 85-100 as your score!

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you hyped because FNAFreddy's 4?
  2. Who is your favorite animatronic?
  3. Who is your least favorite animatronic?
  4. Do you hate marionette or the purple guy?
  5. Who caused the bight of 87?
  6. Which FNaFreddy's is your favorite?
  7. Is Purple Guy (aka SpringTrap) Phone Guy?
  8. What happened to make the old animatronics withered? And why are they in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza...THE 2nd!?
  9. Who is my favorite character?
  10. Do you think this is the end of "Five Nights at Freddy's"?

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