Five Nights at Candy's Test

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Let's face it: you've probably never 'played Five Nights at Candy's. If you have, then you'll probably be really good at this quiz. 'Pass the test and you win...

Can YOU nail the Five Nights at Candy's (FNaC) test? Will you? WILL YOU? But before you start, check out Emil's games Five Nights at Candy's, Five Nights at Candy's 2, and Five Nights at Candy's 3!

Created by: Christian Meeks

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many animatronics are in FNaC 3?
  2. What animal is Cindy?
  3. What animal is Rat?
  4. What character is not in FNaC 1?
  5. Have I ever played FNaC 3?
  6. How many Blanks are there that we see?
  7. How many characters are there in FNaC 1?
  8. How many doors are in FNaC 2?
  9. In FNaC 2, who are the only 2 animatronics that come out on Night 6?
  10. What is the name of the animatronic who was unused?
  11. What animatronic in FNaC 1 does NOT have a jumpscare?
  12. What is the creator's name?
  13. Is this quiz over now?

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