Finish these quotes from The Dragon Prince! :D

This is just a quiz for fun, you have to finish the quotes from The Dragon Prince. I hope you like it :):):):):):):):) :D xD It wouldn't let me do more questions.

Hope you find this fun, some are easy and some might be hard if you have not watched TDP (The Dragon Prince) in awhile. Have fun and leave a rating!!!

Created by: Amberwinglet
  1. Hello fellow humans,
  2. Oi, I'm an Earthblood elf! All me best mates are
  3. Dragon smash boy,
  4. Sometimes, it's not the hard threats, but the soft threats that are worst. Sweet words can be more dangerous than
  5. Everything's coming up
  6. You let him live,
  7. One does not simply
  8. We are all of us, stardust, held together by love,
  9. My heart for
  10. My eyes for
  11. Moon reflects sun, as
  12. Ezran: Your kinda making a
  13. Horses need hay, I am bringing hay to the horses
  14. If wisdom is what you seek,
  15. It seems that I am a crown without an adult, and you are
  16. "Sometime the line between mercy and _______ can be thin."
  17. I understand. The world just isn't ready for
  18. What about a few minutes ago when you said the only strength that matters is the

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