Finish the lyrics (rap)

this quiz has some of my fav songs and i was bored so i made this quiz i have alo made other quizes so check them out also i still dont understand why we have to do this

ya im board so i really had nothing to i made tthis quiz and now im done and have to write these paragraphs and i dont get why no one reads these anyway so why wast time writin them

Created by: Autumn_n_Tay
  1. one thing bout music is....(finish lyrics)
  2. what am i doin, what im i doin.....
  3. im riden through the city with my high beems on.....
  4. how did i end up, right here with you
  5. understand girl...
  6. call me over rated, or creative, or too jaded....
  7. because when i arrive...
  8. i feel like i forgot somethin....
  9. waynes world....
  10. black and....
  11. everything i do, i do it...
  12. girl the way you movin....
  13. and no darlin i dont dance....
  14. r-o-s-c-o-e mr.shorty put it on me, i be goin ham
  15. so tell me how you love it...
  16. i just hope thhat you....
  17. i run this....

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