Finish the Lyrics 2019 Edition

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Hi guys, gals, and Non-binary pals! Do you remember what the radio sounded like during the last year of the decade, 2019? This is the quiz to prove it!

This quiz contains the lyrics of popular songs that I chose out of my friends playlists. And your job is to finish them! Tell me how you did in the comments! - little shards of glass

Created by: Littleshardsofglass
  1. Girl there ain't no "I" in team...
  2. Seasons change and I love...
  3. Sang off-key on my chorus...
  4. I bet you're kinda lonely...
  5. Shade never made anybody less...
  6. Breakfast at Tiffany's...
  7. Oooh, I'm blinded by the...
  8. What have I done now...
  9. I know when you go...
  10. And at every table...

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