Vines are what keep are all sane. Can you finish some f the most iconic, internet-shaping vines of all time? Let's see with Ellie's simple 16 question quiz to see how much vine trash you are

Vine is such a precious thing. Vine is such a miracle. Let us know thank all the wonderful people who helped us shape the magical app known as Vine. Keep watchin' them at 2:00 am.

Created by: EllieStandford
  1. Road work ahead?
  2. Ms. Kiesha? Ms.Kiesha?
  4. *pulls out gun* I won't
  5. what the f--- is up Kyle, no what did you say, what the f--- dude,
  6. There is only one thing worst than a rapistt...
  7. Actually, Megan, I can't sit anywhere,
  8. iridocyclitis
  9. It is ___________ , my dudes, aAaAaAaAhhhhhhh
  10. I think I know more about __________ _____ _____ than you do, genuis
  11. i spilled lipstick in your
  12. Hi, welcome to
  13. I'm just gonna say it... I don't care that you broke your
  14. Chris, is that a
  15. I smell like
  16. Last, but never, EVER, least:Look at all those

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