Finding Nemo Quiz

I am just writing because I have to in order for it to continue making the test so that is why I am typing this. I even have to write more so I am doing more okay okay were good.

I am just writing because I have to in order for it to continue making the test so that is why I am typing this. I even have to write more so I am doing more okay ok were good.

Created by: Brandon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of the following is not a character in Finding Nemo?
  2. What is the name of the dentist's neice?
  3. What captured Nemo?
  4. What kind of sea animals rode with Marlin and Dory on the EAC?
  5. What city is Nemo taken to?
  6. Which of the following did not try eating Marlin and Dory?
  7. How old is "Crush"?
  8. Which of the following fish was not in the fish tank at the dentist's office?
  9. Where does Nemo want to go when you first see him?
  10. What happens to "Coral" ( Nemo's mom ) in the beggining of the movie?
  11. How did Marlin find out how to get to his son Nemo?
  12. Does Nemo ever get saved?

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