Find your Warrior Cat Personality, Story and Name

Get your warrior cat name personality blah blah blah i have to write here so yeah !!!!!! njka shdud fggus f jhsgfstg nfuhusrfgsdfgsvg byufsghg suukj buh nih ui u hv h y7iguig j

ns sdhjb jdfbvj jkjbk nkjb jk k jluu bj lj bj b jk jldb j jkj bh by8 by bu b ub u bu b u ub 8 b u b b b b bu bu bu b u bu b u bu b ubu ub bu b bu b !

Created by: Sunstar
  1. Tom-Cat or She-Cat?
  2. Medicine cat or Warrior
  3. Kits?
  4. Which start of a name?
  5. What personalty do you say you would have?
  6. Which do you like out of these?
  7. Did you like this?
  8. Favourite Food?
  9. Fur Type?
  10. Colour/Color?

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Quiz topic: Find my Warrior Cat Personality, Story and Name
