Find out your favorite vacation over the summer

Hello. I am Sofie StXXXXXXXXXXX. do not trust people. Its me not you. I have trust issues. mostly with you. So.... I guess it is you. I have a pet table just so you know and if you harm it I will hurt you.

Hello. I know I may have sounded crazy in the paragraph above but I have changed now. You see, I have a crazy friend that named Abbey JoXXXXX. If you ever meet her tel her that I say Hi. Thank you for reading this. Now enjoy the quiz

Created by: Sofie
  1. what do you have for dinner
  2. How close are you with your friends
  3. How silly are you?
  4. When do you go to bed
  5. what is your favorite myhtological creature
  6. What would be your dream bed
  7. What Is your favorite season
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up
  9. What kind of music do you mostly listen to.
  10. What hobbies do you have

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Quiz topic: Find out my favorite vacation over the summer
