Find Out How Hot You Are!
Hey! You! Yes you! No, not you, that other guy! YEAH! You!! Get over here! I know you're eager to spend your time taking some dubious quiz as a quick-fix to your unstable pride! Or maybe you're just bored! Either way, this is the most accurate quiz around to tell you how hot you are! No kidding!
Ok, so here's the drill. You will be asked several questions. Some of them relate to appearance, whereas others relate to the mannerisms which you bring with you. Some silly ones do not actually influence the end result at all, or could serve to set you towards one of the BONUS CATEGORIES (repulsive OR hottest) which can only be reached in this manner, as they not only include the normal qualifications for a classification around their area, but also need a few extra traits on your part to set you apart from the boring normal categories. Now hurry up and start!