Fifth Grade Girls Does Your Crush Love You

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Have fu cat god dog cat hello jello I love cats to for silly dough sexy call me I like boys but whatever like yes why so later ever hello again mouth balls.

How do you know if your crush likes you find out now so call me find a cat meow later hello no yes maybe tomorrow love stink cat dog corn mouth balls?

Created by: Emma:)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your crush stare at you?
  2. Has he/she asked you out?
  3. Do your friends say he likes you?
  4. Have you thought about kissing him/her ( be honest)
  5. Has he "made a move yet?"
  6. Where did you meet?
  7. Did you think the pic of me was sexy. I had an orange shirt on😘
  8. Do they like u
  9. Are you into girls or guys?
  10. If u r into girls call me 617 895 7309 😘

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Quiz topic: Fifth Grade Girls Does my Crush Love You