Fergs's "How Annoying Are You?" Quiz

Annoyance is a peculiar word. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it annoying? You betcha! Annoyance is a skill. Annoyance is something you are born with and that you work with for perfection. Annoyance will give you a different perspective on things whether you like it or not. I guess annoyance...can sometimes be annoying...

Are YOU annoying? Do you have what it takes to be annoying? Until now, you could only hope to be annoying, but now, YOU have the test that'll tell you if your hot stuff when it comes to annoyance!

Created by: Ferguson
  1. Marshmallows were invented for the sole purpose of...
  2. You have one piece of paper. What do you use it for?
  3. Which app describes you best?
  4. Which Nicki Minaj song would you rap in math class?
  5. You have an rubber band, two pencils, and a pen cap. What do you do with them?
  6. Snow Day! You and your parents are stuck in your house for the day. You...
  7. I say "Yeahhhh buddy!!" you say...
  8. Favorite Saturday cartoon?
  9. Favorite Disney Channel movie?
  10. Trees were made for...
  11. What do you do at the beach?
  12. While running down your neighborhood street in the middle of the night, you would scream...
  13. Question Mark
  14. What is your favorite question?
  15. You're home alone. You'll...
  16. Epic...
  17. How annoying were the age and gender questions in the beginning? Don't you thing Go To Quiz .Com should get rid of them?
  18. Final question. What was the name of our first president?
  19. I lied, that wasn't the last question. How do you feel about that?
  20. Park benches are...
  21. If you would rate my quiz, what would you give it?

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Quiz topic: Fergs's "How Annoying am I?" Quiz