Feathers Story - Sunrise

Hi, this is Windhunter again. This is my second quiz, the sequel to Feathers Story - Dawn (if you didn't do it you should). I didn't get three positivie comments, but screw it, I'm going to make this quiz even if you all don't like it ^^;.
As always, you are Featherkit, now Featherpaw. You have white fur with light grey tabby markings and amber eyes. the toms are: Wavepaw (light grey with black tabby), Barkpaw (brown with black spots), Smokepaw (light grey with green eyes), Windpaw (light grey) and Sunpaw (golden-brown). Your sister is Riverpaw (grey with white belly, blue eyes), your parents are Mossfoot and Icewing and your grandmother is Maplestar. I hope you enjoy it, have fun!