Feathers Story - Sunrise

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Hi, this is Windhunter again. This is my second quiz, the sequel to Feathers Story - Dawn (if you didn't do it you should). I didn't get three positivie comments, but screw it, I'm going to make this quiz even if you all don't like it ^^;.

As always, you are Featherkit, now Featherpaw. You have white fur with light grey tabby markings and amber eyes. the toms are: Wavepaw (light grey with black tabby), Barkpaw (brown with black spots), Smokepaw (light grey with green eyes), Windpaw (light grey) and Sunpaw (golden-brown). Your sister is Riverpaw (grey with white belly, blue eyes), your parents are Mossfoot and Icewing and your grandmother is Maplestar. I hope you enjoy it, have fun!

Created by: Windhunter
  1. So, in the last quiz not much happened, but here is one question. If you can't answer it, you should do the first one because it will be weird without context since the characters act as if you all know each other, which is true.Who is Wavepaw?
  2. Wavepaw is Barkpaws brother (to all of you who didn't know that - the first one is on my profile.As you step out into the main camp, the entire clan is already gathered. Maplestar is standing on the High Branch and looks at you and your sister, as everyone else does. Icewing and Mossfoot step out behind you.
  3. When you stand in front of the High Branch, Maplestar starts to speak: "Today, we have gathered for one of the most important ceremonies in the clan: the naming of new apprentices. These two kits have reached their sixth moon and will now learn our skills and traditions." She looks at you. "Featherkit, from this moment on until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Featherpaw. Your mentor will be Camomilemoon." The leader turns to Camomilemoon, a dark grey she-cat, while you stare at her. She is one of the most known and capable warriors of the clan (yes, I know, feels like I make Featherpaw have a perfect life, but don't worry, that's on purpose)! Maplestar continues: "I trust you to pass your intelligence and skill on to this young apprentice." As you touch noses with Camomilemoon and retire into the crowd, you barely notice Riverkit becoming Riverpaw and getting Fishleap as mentor. After the ceremony, your say to your mentor:
  4. "We are going to explore the territory", says your mentor as Fishleap comes over. "Mind if we join you?" he asks while you and your sister exchange hopeful glances at the thought of seeing the territory for the first time together. Camomilemoon nods and you head out. As you follow the adults through the reedtunnel, you imagine how it will look... then, as you reach the end, you stop in your tracks. In front of you, you see tall grass, sometimes interrupted by a couple of trees or bushes. To you left behind, the river snakes around the camp and goes on to the right, where a forest is. In the distance on the left, you see that the territory gets steeper until it becomes a hill.
  5. Riverpaws voice knocks you out of your reverie: "Hey, you're blocking the entrance!" And you quickly step to the side. Your sister too stands still as soon as she sees the reason of your delay. You are both startled by Fishleap, who step out of the grass. "Come on now! You have much to see." His eyes sparkle as she turns around, betraying his amusement. The grey tabby leads you to Camomilemoon and you start following the river, entering the forest. "This river is our border to the no-clan lands", explains your mentor. "It is our main source of food and, of course, water. You already learned to swim as all kits in the shallow area, but we will teach you to properly dive and swim quickly and efficiently." Then you come to a row of ponds. "Tell me what you smell."
  6. Fishleap nods. "A mouse and cats. (If you said the scent is old or asked if there is a border, they are proud.) What you smell is scent marking of FirClan. The mouse is on their side, and these ponds are a border mark, as well as the brook after them. This border is fairly easy to keep in mind, just remember not to cross the ponds or the brook." You both nod and the warriors lead you on. After a while, you leave the forest and are back in the grassland. You keep on walking until you suddenly trip and fall over. You roll down a little hill and into something soft. As you open your eyes, you gasp: You landed in a little, almost round hollow, and it is completely covered in tulips. As you stand up, you see the others come in at the shallow end and...
  7. The three cats trot over to you. "That was quite the fall", remarked Camomilemoon. Fishleap nodded and after you told them it was alright, he started to explain: "This is, like you may have already guessed, the reason we call ourselves TulipClan. Between the tulips grow a lot of healing herbs, which makes it very useful, but it is also a great place to meet up with friends... or a more special cat" he adds with a mischievious glint in his eyes. You leave the hollow and follow the warriors to the hill you had seen. The mentors tell you that the border to RainClan is at halfway up it and that both clans have often got into fights with each other over that. You follow the border to a waterfall, at which's top the RainClan territory borders and discover the training creek at its bottom, close to the waterfall pond so that you can learn to fight in the water. As the sun is starting to set, you all go back. Your paws hurt as you finally enter the camp again.
  8. IF YOU WENT TO BARK AND WIND: The toms look up as you and Riverpaw walk to them. "Hey!" says Windpaw with the usual playful glint in his eyes. "Hello you two. How was your day?" asks Barkpaw, more collected like always, though he seems too pleased to see you and your sister.
  9. IF YOU CHOSE SUN AND SORREL: Sorrelpaw leaps up as soon as you get to them and looks at you excitedly. "Oh, finally you are apprentices! We'll get to spend time together again." Sunpaw looks at you and asks, as always more reserved than his sister: "How was it?"
  10. As you continue talking with your friends, you suddenly hear a mocking voice say: "Oh, great, your first day. You must be so happy about getting to know the territory. As if actual warriors needed an entire day to walk around." As you turn around, you see a light grey tom, along with a dark grey she-cat. Of course. "Smokepaw, Amberpaw, get of their backs", says Windpaw, annoyed. But Smokepaw seems to expect an answer from you.
  11. IF YOU CHOSE ANSWER ONE OR THREE: The older tom scoffs and looks at you while Amberpaw says: "I always knew you are better with... well, there must be something, than with your mind." They turn around and leave.
  12. ANSWER TWO: "Ooh, looks like Weepaw has got little claws", says Amberpaw and steps closer. "Tell me, do you have the strength to back up your sass or are you just a big mouth with nothing behind it?" With that, they both turn around and leave.
  13. IF YOU CHOSE ANSWER FOUR OR FIVE: Smokepaw opens his mouth to answer before closing it again. He grits his teeth. "Not bad, Weepaw. But we'll see who comes out on top", he finally says before turning around and walking away. But you catch a hint of grudging respect in his eyes. Amberpaw follows him with one last glance in your direction, you can almost see approval in her eyes.
  14. As it is already late, you go to sleep with the other apprentices. When you wake up, it still dark, and as you pad out, you realize that it is not even close to sunrise. You sit down at the river, when you hear a rustling of leaves. Several cats come through the tunnel, all carrying prey. Your older brother Froststing, who's just become a warrior, is the first, then follow Mousestep, Meadowstreak and... Wavepaw! So that's why you hadn't seen him before. You stand up and walk over to them as they drop their prey on the fresh kill pile. "Featherpaw! Why aren't you sleeping?" whispers Froststing, coming to you. "I woke up", you murmure. He gives you an affectionate shove. "Well then, good night." He and the other warriors go to their nests while Wavepaw goes to the apprentice nests. You follow him. "Hi. It's been a while since..." he ignores you and curls up in his nest without a word. Piqued, you go to your own nest.
  15. You are awakened by Camomilemoon, who is definitely far too energetic for this time in the morning. You follow her tiredly out of the den, where Windpaw is already stretching. Riverpaw comes out soon after, and Fishleap and your mentor lead you three out and to the training creek. There, Camomilemoon stops. "Today, you are going to learn how to fish", she says and sits down in front of the water. You and Riverpaw do the same while Windpaw and Fishleap correct your positions. "Look at the river. As soon as a fish shows up, you will catch him with the extended paw..." the grey she-cat explains everything to you and soon, you are ready to try it out. You sit by the water and wait, wait... finally, you see a shadow. Following Camomilemoons instructions, you strike... and catch it! The fish lands on the sand, gasping for air and you quickly finish it off. "Well done, Featherpaw!" praises Fishleap. As you resume your position, you see Riverpaw trying to catch a fish too, but instead of getting it, she falls into the water. Camomilemoon quickly pulls her out, but your sister wriggles free. "I don't need help!" she growls and resumes her stance, avoiding to look at you.
  16. As the sun is high, you both have managed to catch two fish and the mentors start to teach you how to catch a mouse. This time, Riverpaw makes it first try, you too. By the time you caught two mice, the sun is setting and you go back to camp. You proudly drop your prey on the fresh kill pile before sitting down to eat with Riverpaw. Then, a cat sits down in front of you, and you sigh internally. Amberpaw. The she-cat looks at her food. "That yesterday was not great", she says suddenly. "It was more than we use to do. Like, extra coming to you guys. Meaner." the last word seems to com difficultly, as if she didn't want to admit it. She looks up. "Don't get me wrong, we still don't like you two and I'm not apologizing. I'm just saying we were saying stupid things yesterday." With that, Amberpaw stands up and quickly walks to the other side of the clearing. You share a puzzled glance with Riverpaw before Sorrelpaw sits down next to you. "Hey! What was that?"
  17. Sorrelpaw shrugged. "Well, anyways, you'll never guess what happened..." you talk a bit until you feel the exhaustion of the day and go to sleep. As you curl up in your nest, you see Wavepaw walking by to get to his own nest. As he passes you, he murmurs: "Good night." It almost sounds like an apology for yesterday.
  18. "Today is battle training!" says Sorrelpaw excitedly as you, her and the other apprentices walk through the woods. Two moons have passed, and you learned to swim, dive, hunt, fight and track. You even did a bit of climbing. Today is the first time all of the apprentices will fight in pairs. You look over at Wavepaw, Barkpaw, Smokepaw and Amberpaw. Being the oldest apprentices, they'll have the best chances.You arrive at the training creek, and Maplestar, Wavepaws mentor, steps forward. "As you know, you will be paired up to fight against each other. As always, claws sheathed. The pairings are: Smokepaw and Amberpaw, Sunpaw and Sorrelpaw, Riverpaw and Windpaw, Wavepaw against Froststing and Featherpaw against Barkpaw." You stare at the leader. Barkpaw? With eleven moons, he is almost a warrior while you are eight moons old. What is Maplestar thinking? But before you can say anything, the pairs form and you stand in front of Barkpaw. You nod at each other and the fight begins. Barkpaw ducks and louges at you, aiming for your shoulders.
  19. IF YOU DUCKED IN ANY WAY: Barkpaw surprises you by landing earlier and kicking off your paws under you. You wrestle on the ground and you land some blows until he finally manages to pin you to the ground. He gets off you and purrs. "That was a good fight", he says.
  20. IF YOU STEPPED TO THE SIDE/ LEAPT AT HIM: The brown tom lets out a surprised meow as you hit him, throwing him to the ground. You have the higher ground and even though he lands some hard blows, you pin him down after a while. He doesn't look disappointed and says: "Wow Featherpaw, you fought really well! I should be more careful around you."
  21. IF YOU DARTED AT HIM: You strike with your forepaws he and falls on you. You roll over the ground, trying to take the advantage, until you pin him down. Barkpaw then throws you off and you land on your paws, panting. Barkpaws mentor Brownfall come over to you. "I think it'S a draw. You both fought well." Barkpaw dips his head at you. "That is true", he says, and you get the feeling he meant the part where you were seen as a good fighter too.
  22. You spend the rest of the day practicing and then eat with Sunpaw and Windpaw. Riverpaw bested Windpaw, but he takes no offense in it and joke about how he needs to train more if foes are like her. You go to sleep early, but the next morning, you are shaken out of your nest. You blink at Camomilemoon, muttering: "Too early...", but hen you notice the stern look in her eyes and follow her out of the den. While the other apprentices file out, You see Smokepaw and Barkpaw are in the camp along with Honeyleaf. They all look bruised and battered.
  23. Maplestar is standing on the clearing. "RainClan has trespassed. When our three cats here wanted to chase them off, there were too many and they called more", she growls. "The patrols going out to defeat them are: me, Icewing, Camomilemoon, Wavepaw, Amberpaw, Featherpaw, Lighteye and Mousestep. The backup patrol are Mossfoot, Elmsnow, Froststing, Riverpaw, Sorrelpaw, Windpaw, Rowanwind and Fishleap. The ifrst one attacks, the second one comes in when we need them. We go now." You all file to leave camp. You find yourself walking between Wavepaw and Amberpaw and look back at the others. They all look grimly determined, even Windpaw. You turn back and walk out of the camp.
  24. And that's it for my second quiz! I hope you enjoyed it, I hope I didn't take too long before making the sequel to Feathers Story - Dawn, please let me know what you thought of it in the comments and I wish you a nice day (or night)! Also, fun fact, Camomilemoon sounds a bit weird, right? Well to me, it does, because her original name is in a different language and therefore sounds better.

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