Fat quiz for all | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Fat quiz for all.
I get turned on by females with a little extra fat
Perrymon1 -
I eat until I have to rip my shirt and unbutton my pants!
good job I liked it
VCM sure I would love to also had to create new account cuz I forgot my password
I got obease and it is 100% right as I am 345 pounds
Cuanto pesas ahora? @///@
I got chubby I am fat and I love it!
I am a 14 yr old girl and I am 329 pounds and I am fit
I fot obese, i'm so proud of that
Zaza0 -
MFers fat fingers cant type fer shyte
I got 90% Obese and I LOVE IT!!!
I'm looking for a a girl to date I am 13 my number is 937 992 1321
Daniel fox-1-
Dont share your phone number online dude!!
Ayee422 -
Wow why would you share your number online?
I got obease! Im so proud, I weigh 210 pounds and Im 12 years old
good for you
Im 12 too and I weigh 1203 pounds got a lot of weight to gain
Got chubby... sigh...
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