Fart Trivia Quiz

Hello! This is my Fart Trivia Quiz. I worked so hard on it, but, luckily finished in one shot! I really hope you liked this quiz and I hope you score what you would like to score. I wish you good luck! See you later.

So, do YOU know alot about farts? Do you have what it takes to be a major fart knowledger? Until this second you will only wonder. But, because I made this quiz you will know in one to two minutes. Thanks for taking my quiz and good fart greetings, but I'll just say-bye!

Created by: The best tomboy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. hi
  2. What are Fartz made up of?
  3. you axedently poop when you fart sometimes
  4. Are fartz bad for you
  5. to by time is to fart a minute goes by
  6. kay last question then i'll rely on something else
  7. do fartz bring laughter
  8. 3 more
  9. i just farted
  10. see yam

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