farm girl or city slickers

There are many farm girl wanna bes in the world, but very few true farm girls for real. Farm is after all quite exceptional. What is a farm girl. A farm girl is a girl that lives on a farm and has farm animals.

Are you a farm girl. What is that. You don't know take this awesome sauce quiz to find out in a minute. In one tiny minute. sixty seconds you find out.

Created by: ally Mahoney
  1. What is the ideal thing you do in spare time
  2. What is your favorite animal
  3. Where do you live.
  4. Do you like the mall
  5. What do you wear
  6. What do you drink
  7. Do you know the secret country secret
  8. What are you thinking
  9. Do you know who Taylor Tucker is
  10. Do you like

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