Fandroid and TryHardNinja quiz!

So if your taking this you probably know who theese peeps are if not go watch them...... Now!!! There amazing song writers!!!! Go now! (All credit for there songs goes to them).

My sister makes quizes too! Like: R u a secret pokemon fan or are you ash from xyz or sun and moon!! I made one before as well its called popularmmos fan test though there are alot of typos in there...anyway enjoy!

Created by: Landon
  1. Has fandroid made a song made up of comments on a video? If so whats the name?
  2. Is fandroid a robot?
  3. Is griffinilla fandroid?
  4. Did fandroid make a gaming channel
  5. Fandroid has made a ton of songs did he ever make a song about mewtwo? (Mewtwo is a pokemon).
  6. Is fandroid a horror game fan?
  7. Witch pokemon did fandroid make a song about
  8. Fandroid has a robot friend named _____
  9. ________ got the best of me?
  10. Did fandroid make a song called judgement.
  11. Did TryHardNinja make a song called follow me?
  12. Last question!Who made the puppet song

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