Fairy Tail and the Seven Deadly Sins

this quiz is about a paring of two anime's that can compliment each other like Yin and Yang. this is a quiz to see if your sin is in the right place.

do you like anime. well here is a quiz that will test your mind on two. Can you guess which ones. ..... Correct, Fairy Tail and The Seven Deadly Sins are the animes

Created by: Dayleru-chan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what sin do you think you will get
  2. If you get a sin you DID NOT want, what would you do?
  3. Do think this quiz is random
  4. the color you are thinking from these answers are the colors of the sins and mages
  5. do you like my questions
  6. have you watched anime
  7. who is you favorite team out of the two animes
  8. are you happy while taking this quiz
  9. have you seen these animes before
  10. will you watch the animes

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